
ASI at ICT in Agribusiness

We are proud to announce that we are sponsors on this year’s conference “ICT in Agribusiness”.

The conference takes place 23 – 24 November in h. Aleksandar Palace in Skopje.

The aim of the conference is to gather the players from both the ICT and Agribusiness sector in order to present the trends in both of the two sectors, identify potential for cooperation between the players in the two sectors, exchange of expertise and best practices, as well as to facilitate the matchmaking and encourage mutual cooperation.

Initiating the dialog between the ICT and Agribusiness communities has always been a tough challenge! The fundamental questions how the two industries can be bridged closer will be raised and discussed. Platform for open discussion between the sectors will be enabled so the benefits of implementing ICT solutions become more clear and acceptable for the audience. Main players of both industries will be present, accompanied14316707_1672243936436700_1684374432918508774_n by the representatives from the Government, Academia and donor community. Success stories, booths and demo solutions will be brought in the conference space so real feel of the existing cooperation between the sectors is provided at a glance. Lastly, B2B meetings will be organized so the members of the ICT and Agribusiness communities can enter into direct discussions and possible solutions of everyday challenges of farmers.

We will be there with our team ready to give you answers to a lot of questions. Feel free to contact us and meet us.


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