What is OTT (Over – The – Top)?

OTT (over – the – top) is about delivering video content and interactive TV using the IP network.  OTT, as the name itself says, “over – the – top” is using the public internet to deliver content, not only on TV, but also on mobile and / or PC devices.

Using our suite of innovative products and integrated partner technologies, we can help businesses get to market fast with tried and tested OTT and new media solutions across a range of client devices to realize the full set of requirements for a turnkey end to end Live TV and Video on Demand ecosystem.

How it works?

Our OTT Solution is consisted of 5 parts:

  • Video acquisition and processing
  • Streaming
  • Network equipment
  • Content management system
  • Applications

OTT Solution

In a busy world where more than 2 billion connected devices, it is natural and inevitable that the TV will move to “over – the – top”. Our OTT Solution delivers next generation TV, whenever you want, wherever you need.

Use our OTT Solution

We optimize your quality of experience and make you stand out!

Think Pre-Terminated. Think ASI

Bring new services on line quicker with ASI – Alternative System Integration. ASI rapid deployment preterminated solutions accelerate the process, reduce costs and errors.

We provide complete integration and end – to – end support. You can create subscription and transaction products, as well as offer specified content and rendition types. Our  OTT Solution provides a variety of features, including offer management, payment methods, add – on products, catalog management as well as high quality of hardware and software needed for the whole solution to work smoothly.

Other advantages:
Responsive design – It simply means your content adopts the format of the device it is being viewed on. Content formatted with responsive design provides a better user experience with images and video players that display nicely and text that does not require resizing.
Functionality across all devices – You can view whatever you want and whenever you want on your Android and iOS. Reaching the users on every single device is of high importance.
Optimized content management